Biodiversity of Calabrian Gastronomy



The “flag of taste” nr. 9 was assigned this year, 2019, at the table of Calabria. This is what emerged from the new census 2019 of the Italian food & beverage specialties, that are obtained according to traditional rules protracted over time for at least 25 years.
The census was presented by Coldiretti at the opening of the Coldiretti Farmer’s Village in Milan at Castello Sforzesco, athe presence of many farmers, farmer’s markt operators and agri-chef.

A plenty of specialties

The exhibition introduced many historical recipes, and the sub-exhibitions, connected to this bigger event, made known many treasures to save, hidden in the Made in Italy.
At the event, there was a large representation of Calabrian farmers, who exhibited and made taste some of the most famous agricultural products of Calabria: liquorice, figs, Dop salami, Spilinga nduja pasta, bergamot, cheeses, cedar, chilli pepper and many others.

Colors of gastronomy


In our region – said Franco Aceto regional president of Coldiretti – the products surveyed by the region are 269 that are part of the heritage of specialties that are obtained according to traditional rules extended over time for at least 25 years. These are paired with the 17 Dop and Igp Calabresi specialties.

Salami, Bergamot, Wine, Cheese, Bread

This is the result of the work of entire generations of farmers committed to defending and preserving biodiversity and the distinctiveness of the territory and food traditions over time “, continued Aceto, who also stressed that “it is a common good for all citizens and a cultural heritage that generates considerable interest and that we can proudly offer to Italian and foreign tourists also because they are evocative of stories and territories“.

The census of food products in our region – suggested Aceto – “must accelerate and continue because there is still a rich heritage of biodiversity and products that can be put to value with undisputed benefits. We need to consolidate the new development model of Calabria, basing it on the strengths that are its own historical and artistic heritage, the landscape and the food.

Biscuits, spirits, wine, pastry

“The regional specialties of Calabria are – according to Coldiretti – 85 different types of pasta, bread and bakery products, 28 types of meat, 24 cheeses, and further: 73 vegetable or processed products, 12 compound dishes or gastronomic products, 7 beverages (including soft drinks), liqueurs and spirits, 11 products of animal origin (honey, dairy excluding butter, etc.) and 21 preparations of fish, molluscs and crustaceans “.

Extra virgin olive oil, how to buy it



The purchase of olive oil is often among the most difficult quotidian activities of housewifes and of everyone who loves the good cuisine.

We do not always have the opportunity to meet and know personally a producer or have an olive oil mill in our neighborhood. This explains why many of us are forced to turn to the large-scale retail trade, with all the pitfalls and possible frauds that involve this product in particular.

Difficult to understand…

Let’s try then to understand how to defend ourselves from fraud or counterfeiting and above all to add some tools that allow us to choose a good oil, clean, fair and above all healthy.

Meanwhile, we refer you to the following technical notes that help us understand what we mean, in Calabria, with the expression “first cold pressed”.

  • “First pressed” – means the olives were crushed and pressed only one time. The olive oil extracted from the first pressing is of the highest quality and purity.
  • “Cold pressed” – means that the olives never exceed a certain temperature during the entire pressing process– around 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Only a first cold pressed olive oil can meet high standards of quality, because purity of oil increases only following such process.


This year (2019), a real 1 Lt bottle of 100%-Italian extra virgin olive oil should not cost less than 8 euros. Below this figure it is legitimate to doubt about origin and quality.

If you follow such guidance and instructions, then there are no offers, promotions and below costs, which can be included in the definition of EVO.

Therefore, watch out for the harvest year which, if present, reveals that all the olives with which the oil was made were harvested in the same year.


Olive grower receives 4.7 euros for a kilo of oil.

The wholesale price then rises to 5.5 euros.

No quality, no label

Once worked by the olive oil industry the cost rises to 6.67 euros which includes: VAT, salaries of those who work there, marketing and bottle.

Please, add also the profit of the industry which is around 4% and the GDO margin, on average 15%

The final price therefore comes to around 8 euros. Lower prices are, sadly, only Community blends, potentially frauding!!


According to a well known research of Mr. Gennaro Sicolo, president of Italia Ovicola (an organization that involves 50% of olive growers in Italy), about one bottle out of two of extra virgin olive oil contains deodorized oils that are then mixed with Italian oils to give it a bit of flavor and reach the basic chemical and organoleptic parameters to be labeled as extra virgin.

“After two months on the shelf these oils in the panel test can be considered as adulterated,” explains Gennaro Sicolo.

But how is this scam happens?

No tag, no quality

In Italy the olives are harvested between September and October at the right point of ripeness, with a yield of 10 – 13 kg of oil per quintal of olives.

In Spain and Tunisia the harvest begins in January, when the raw material is very mature, in order to have a greater yield. But from a very ripe olive an acid oil is born, so that to remedy it is mixed with a bit of 100% Italian so as to obtain a light fruity that recalls the normal smell and taste of extra Virgin olive oil.

The price of such blend?

Wholesale these deodorized oil lots cost around 2.2-2.4 euros per liter, but to the consumer a mixture of such European community oils costs at least 5 euros … And here this lower price reveal itself as an indicator (certainly not the only one) if not of quality, of the absence of quality!!